Monday, March 20, 2006

Handing Over the Control

My time with the controller is almost over. On one hand, I am excited as this will mean I am not watched at all times. On the other hand, I have seen what happens to Jeff with no supervision and I am worried. I can only hope that Major takes good care of us. Major is a romance sim and wants the whole world to revolve around him. That can't be my fault, but I did dote on him a lot as a kid.

Here is a good comparision picture of Jeff and Major. They both need to work out some. Jeff needs it more, but since his job does not require fitness, I try to overlook his belly. He seems happy most of the time.

Meet Devine Legacy, she lives in our neighborhood. She seems like a really nice girl. She seems to have hit it off with Major. Too bad she is basically hands off for Major, she is from the Legacy family and will ALWAYS have a controller.

Major had his first kiss today. I had to help influence him a little. I think the controller had a hand in this also. Major told me a secret the other day, he told me about how he saw the Legacy house. Seems Devine invited Major over to her house to help build their friendship. I know the cotroller will deny if asked, but I have more important things to worry about here. At least this kiss helped his aspirations.

You see, today I grew into an elder. I am finally to the last part of my life, which means Major is closer to controlling everything. He seems to listen when I tell him what is to come, but then he isn't listening. He stares at me with a blank look a bunch of times. He must get that stare from his father.

Jeff gets has the same blank stare also. See here he is checking me out after I changed my hairstyle. He did finally after hours of work, get to the top of the culinary career. He still isn't perm. plat. but that is what dates are for, right?

As you can tell, Jeff is now an elder also. I was away when it happened and missed getting his picture. We also had a small party celebrating our golden anniversary, which it seems helped Jeff out greatly. I could here the controller celebrating when he got his perm. plat. I am not sure why she is excited since it does not help his brain much, but it was nice to see him get something he wanted. Poor Major is having trouble with all of this. He does not seem to get enough sleep most days. I can only hope he won't run away from us. That would be tragic to see all my work go to waste.
My time is coming to an end. Here I am giving my last hug to Major. I hope and pray he takes care of us. Only time will tell.My last night with the controller and she lets Jeff and I cuddle on our bed. Like has been good to me. After tonight I will not be able to talk to you anymore. My mind will be silent and I will be free. sigh


At 4:36 PM, Blogger ASimWen said...

Awww Major is leaving home... *wiping eye* They grow up so fast~

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Ziese52 said...

I'm enjoying your story!

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I really enjoy reading the ISBI challenges as opposed the legacy/prosperity. Great job, looking forward to more!


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