Friday, February 03, 2006

Major Idiots

I would like to introduce you to our son, Major Idiots. He will be the heir for our family. I hope he grows up well. I will do my best to raise this heir.

Jeff actually did something with Major today. I was so proud of him. He has practically ignored him. Normally as soon as Jeff is home from work, he runs off to bed. He has not passed out, yet. There have been times I thought he may.

Just because a baby is here, does not mean I stopped my toys. Here I am with Professor Ronan from College. I found his name in my address book and thought I would give him a call. Would you believe he remembered me from class?

Here is a normal picture of life with Jeff. He is smelly and really needs a shower. Just go already! You whined about that shower since you got home. You didn't shower then, you ran to bed. Go take your shower.

Since neither Jeff nor I were home, our nanny Karen grew up Major. I hope he has more common sense than his father. With Karen here, I was able to return to work to get that Candy Machine.

Here I am holding Major. So far all is going well.

Pao came by today and helped me out. If it wasn't for him, I would not of been able to stay energized. Looks like I need to feed Genius, but she is in a fenced in area for now. Don't need my husband wandering over there.

Jeff is whining again. Today is about the bed. Well, I hate to tell you, but the bed hasn't moved. Don't you know what to do? Sorry I did not come over and interupt you, but you were almost done with the skill point.

I finally got my candy machine! Time for the teaching to begin. Since Jeff won't study on his own, I have to help him learn his skills. My biggest hope is that Jeff will earn more money. I told him I have the friends, all he needs to do is skills. You would think that would kill him to get a promotion.

Fitness is not Jeff's friend. I suppose I feed him too much, but they say a way to a man's heart is though his stomach. I've got that part made. But still, that belly isn't getting any smaller.

Major grew up a few days ago. He seems to need to go on a diet also. He has that same belly thing going that Jeff has. Like father, like son. sigh I guess I need to get a job that is fitness related.

Just like his father, Major has issues with going to bed. He tends to get so into his painting he forgets about his own needs. This can not be a good thing at all. I think I need to start giving them time limits on painting and then interupting them.

Here I am showing Major the correct way to use a sim vac. He isn't paying attention either. Man, I knew kids were hard, but this is his future we are dealing with. At least he is having fun right now.

Why should I work for my skills? These townies have so many skills for me to take. This is a lot easier than working for them. My days are so busy now, I don't have time to study. My time is coming to an end with the controller and I want to make myslef as useful as possible afterwards.

Not only do I help train Jeff, now I help Major learn also. He tends to learn faster than his dad, but it is still a long process for me. At least I finally became Cheif of Staff - perm plat here I am! This will help out greatly. I haven't slept one night since we moved in this house.

Come on Major, swimming isn't that bad. Why won't you do it? Don't you see those future love handles? Fitness can be your friend. A little exercise won't kill you, you know.

Here I am with another love - Trevor E'malee. He lives in a house with no walls or no toilets. He said it is hard on his wife, but he is ok since there are bushes around.

That's right, you see the headmaster at my house. It wasn't easy to say the least. I had to influence a neighbor to fix the food. Major was controlled for his one time to do his homework. Jeff, of course, got home from work and could not get to bed fast enough. So it was up to me. With Kenneth Bertino, father of Sidney from College, made burnt hamburgers. Luckily my controller has been working on some headmaster hints by Jenn the Simmer girl, and we managed to get Major into private school.

Ever wonder how Jeff wakes up? Here you go, all your answers are here. He wakes up needing to use the bathroom. Silly Jeff, why must you sleep until your alarm? Do I have to wake you up every morning?

Today was a hard day for Major. He came home from school and proceeded to pass out on the ground by the bus. This is what happens when you paint until 3 or 4 AM. I tried telling him, but he won't listen to me.

Genius was fed today. I decided to let our nanny, Karen, have the birthday cake. Too many of our idiot neighbors come over and want that cake. What could be better? Let the nanny have the cake.

Major grew into a teen. Time is getting closer for my turn to end. Here he is dancing like his father does. Can you hear the groans from our controller yet? You see I get home 3 hours after Major. He drops his homework and runs to the stereo to dance. There are two stereos on two different types of music. My first job everyday is to turn off all stereos.

Major and his expressions. He doesn't look half bad, if I say so myself. So far all birthdays have go over well. He loves to paint like his father. I think he has enough to get a scholarship with that day comes. Since Major is a romance sim, I am sure he can't wait to meet the girls at College.

This is the main part I will be happy to be done of. Everyday I halp Major do his homework. You would think I was the one in school, not him. We can't let his grades drop, need scholarship money.

One of Jeff's activites, dancing to the music. He doesn't realize how stupid he looks. He does seem happy though. Ignorance is bliss.

Doesn't Jeff look pregnant? Nope, that is all belly. He could not wait for me to finish supper, so he ran to the refrigerator to get some grub. I hope I am not that bad when the change happens.

Doesn't Jeff look excited? I think he got all of 3 hours sleep before going off to work. They don't like being interupted during painting sessions. They don't want to learn skills, they just ignore me. At least influence still works for now.

Well, here is a good stop to leave you at. Jeff and are almost elders, Major is getting closer to his turn. I have kept this family going on my sweat and tears. I just hope my son can continue the tradition in style.


At 5:19 AM, Blogger ASimWen said...

How cool! I love it! I can't wait~ great job. I found myself thinking...gosh.. a person could do this, do that....I can't wait!

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the updates. I was thinking about trying the challenge and this is a great way to get an idea of how it would be.

Sometimes I get so frustrated when they won't listen to me and I CAN control them. I can imagine how this is!

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Twoflower said...

Wow! You're doing an awesome job on this challenge and on blogging about it. Even though I have way too many challenges going, I was thinking about trying this one.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! Now I really can't wait to start my own!

Please update soon, yours is going along so well. n_n


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